The streets of Venice are paved with water. Everybody knows this. Did you know that Venice is situated on a group of 118 small islands that are separated by canals and linked by over 400 bridges? I didn’t. These islands are located in the shallow Venetian Lagoon which lies between the mouths of 2 rivers.
After spending a week hiking in the Dolomites, I needed to catch a train back to Naples. Since I’m a sunrise shooter, I decided to drive out of the mountains early so I could catch this city during the slower morning hours.
I wandered through here for hours mesmerized by the beauty and unique nature of the layout. I took many pictures of the iconic locations, but the simple scenes were some of the most powerful. This reflection down one of the streets just after sunrise was one of my favorites. The slight undulations of the water distorted the reflection perfectly. The golden hues of the early morning light combined with some great shadows really helped this area stand out for me.