On the western edge of South Dakota, the diversity of nature is in full view. We begin with the forests of the Black Hills which quickly transform into a martian landscape left desolate by water and wind. South Dakota’s Badlands are a testament to the power of nature. This striking South Dakota landscape boasts a maze of buttes, canyons, pinnacles and spires.
My wife and I were visiting Mount Rushmore when a hail storm blew in and knocked us around a bit. As quickly as the storm arrived, it vanished and blew out east. Knowing that it would make for a dramatic sunset, we raced behind the dark clouds until we arrived at this amazing location.
The sister image to this one was just before sunset and had a sand colored sky. As I sat there waiting, the color shifted to this beautiful pink based extravaganza. I shot a panorama to showcase the desolate beauty of this fascinating landscape.